Critical Success Factors of TQM and its Impact on Increased Service Quality A Case from Service Sect Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15 (1): 61-74, 2013 ISSN 1990-9233 © IDOSI Publications, 2013 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.1.828 Critical Success Factors of TQM and its Impact on Increased Service Quality: A Case from Service Sector of Paki
Transcriptome analysis reveals absence of unintended effects in drought-tolerant transgenic plants o Plants engineered for abiotic stress tolerance may soon be commercialized. The engineering of these plants typically involves the manipulation of complex multigene networks and may therefore have a greater potential to introduce pleiotropic effects than t
JCR-Impact-Factors-List-2013 2, Total Cites, Impact Factor, 5-Year Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Articles, Cited Half-life, Eigenfactor Score .... 54, 52, ACS COMB SCI, 2156-8952, 379, 3.636, 3.636, 0.596, 99, 1.4, 0.00141, 0.915.
JCR-Impact-Factors-List-2013.xls 2, Total Cites, Impact Factor, 5-Year Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Articles, Cited Half-life, Eigenfactor Score .... 54, 52, ACS COMB SCI, 2156-8952, 379, 3.636, 3.636, 0.596, 99, 1.4, 0.00141, 0.915.
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JCR-Impact-Factors-List-2013 Impact. Factor. Immediac y Index. Articles. Cited. Half-life. Eigenfacto r Score. Article .... ACS COMB SCI. 2156-8952.
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